Forum Agenda
Thematic Forum Bloks
10.00-11.45 |
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Discussion of various approaches to the organization of strategic planning agenda at different levels of management in connection with the adoption of the Federal Act on Strategic Planning in Russia (Act ¹ 172, June 28, 2014)
 | The Role of State-Owned Business Companies in the State Strategic Planning System: Russian Railways Viewpoint |
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 | Welcoming Address |
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 | Updating Strategic Planning System of the Region in Accordance with the Requirements of the Federal Act on Strategic Planning in Russia |
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Moderators : , |
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 | Strategic Planning System in Leningrad Region: Implementation Process of the Federal Act on Strategic Planning in Russia |
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 | Welcoming Address |
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12.00-14.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, State Duma of Russia |
With adoption of the Federal Act on Strategic Planning in Russia (Act ¹ 172, June 28, 2014), strategic management (as well as its planning documentation of social and economic development) have been
legitimized and utilized into a legal framework. In new legal context it is necessary to start systemic and coordinated implementation of the Act, with a prior preparation of the implementation plan, system of bylaws, strategic methodology,
as well as complete documentation contemplated in law on all management levels.
During the round table special aspects and problems of the Federal Act ¹ 172 will be discussed.
 | About Features of Forming System of Strategic Planning Regional Development, According to Regulations 172-FL "About Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" |
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 | Modern System of Strategic Planning in Municipalities: Problems, Solutions and Aspects of Legal Regulation |
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 | Elaboration of Strategic Planning System of Regional Development in accordance with of Regulations of the Federal Law ¹ 172 on Strategic Planning in Russia |
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 | Regional Aspects of the Implementation of the Federal Act ¹ 172 on Strategic Planning in Russia |
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Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
 | On the realization of the 172-FL "About Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation": system documentation and implementation issues |
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 | New approaches to the strategic development of the Far East Regions |
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 | Working on the System of Strategic Planning in the Republic of Bashkortostan within the Federal Act ¹ 172 on Strategic Planning in Russia: Documents, Mechanisms, Efficiency |
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 | Issues of the Implementation of the Federal Act ¹ 172 on Strategic Planning in Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod Region |
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 | Providing Consistency of Documentation on the Regional Level |
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 | Legislative Support of Unified System of Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation |
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 | Municipal Aspects of the Federal Act ¹ 172-FZ "About the strategic planning in the Russian Federation" Implementation |
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 | Federal Act ¹ 172-FZ "About the strategic planning in the Russian Federation": Implementation Practicein Surgut City, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra |
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 | Features of the preparation of the Russian Federation public programs and Russian Federation Regions in accordance with the rules of the Federal Act on Strategic Planning in Russia (Act ¹ 172, June 28, 2014) |
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12.00-14.00 |
| Organizers : Leontief Centre (with the assistance Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russia) |
VII International Forum Round Table will traditionally provide a platform for discussion of topic international aspects in regional development. This year framework of the round table will provide a discussion among the experts and representatives of national, European, international and organizations: European Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT) - Council of Europe, Association of European Border Regions, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), etc. Following issues are going to be discussed during the roundtable: significance of regional planning in Europe, landscape planning within the framework of sustainable development, the role of the Interparliamentary Assembly in strengthening regional multilateral cooperation of CIS Member States, new Charter European planning and others.
The roundtable will present the new Charter of European Planning, aimed at the regulation and planning for the cities and regions of the European Union on the basis of long-term vision for the conservation of resources and improving quality of life. At the end of the round table there will be a delivery of agreement on translation, publication and dissemination of the Charter of European Planning between the "Leontief Centre" and the European Council of Spatial Planners.
Moderators : , |
 | Director of Strategic Development and Public Policy in the Field of Spatial Planning Ministry of Regional Development of Russia |
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 | Cities, Regions and Territorial Development |
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 | Sustainable Rural Development: global agenda, Russian opportunity |
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 | ECTP - New Charter of European Planning |
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 | Committee of the Regions: 20th Anniversary Results |
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 | From the Past to the Future - the Significance of Regional Planning in Europe |
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Moderators : , |
 | Cultural and Religion Tourism as a tool for Regional Development |
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 | Presentation of the Monography "The European Territory: From Roots to Global Challenges", written by the European Expert Jacques Robert |
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 | Committee of Regions of the EU: Results of Activities in 20 Years |
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12.15-14.00 |
| Organizers : Russian Architectural Union |
12.00-14.00 |
| Organizers : St. Petersburg City Administration, Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of St. Petersburg |
In the spring of 2014 in St. Petersburg adopted a strategy of socio-economic development of St. Petersburg until 2030, which was highly appreciated by the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation on PMEF in May 2014 Economic policy is regarded as the main document, to ensure the implementation of the Strategy. Discussion of approaches to development and its place in the system of strategic planning documents in light of the federal law on strategic planning is of great interest.
 | Place and Role of Economic Policy in the Programme-Planning System of St Petersburg |
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Moderators : , |
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 | Economic Policy as an Instrument for Strategy Implementation: Experience of Saint-Petersburg |
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Moderators : , |
 | Coordination Processes of Strategic and Budgetary Planning among the Subjects of the Russian Federation |
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 | How to Balance Social and Economic Goals |
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 | Regional Economic Policy: Harmonization or "Uniqualization" |
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 | Principles of Strategic Planning for Territorial Development through Public Expertise |
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12.00-14.00 |
| Organizers : AV Group, Anchor Ltd., Expert Council "Potential of Russia" |
In the world develop and compete in the first place rather than the state as
global growth poles provincial regions. As part of the growth poles develop
economic complexes and clusters, are created conditions to attract and retain
capital. The success of the inter-regional competition is largely dependent on the quality of
management, the ability to anticipate, identify long-term priorities, capture
long-term trends. This requires not only the strategy as a document, but also the system
management of the future, has a number of properties that we describe as properties of
"Live" system. Such a system that combines a set of long-term instruments,
that will stimulate the development of the country at a new qualitative level,
is worked out within the framework of the project "RT 2030" under the brand name "Galaxy".
Moderators : , |
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 | iMonitoring as a assessment tool the competitiveness of territories |
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 | About the competitiveness of Russian regions |
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 | Competitiveness resource regions: the risks of strategic management |
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 | System of key performance indicators of executive authorities of the subject |
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Moderators : , |
 | Regional competitiveness: from measurement to strategic management |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, State Duma of Russia |
With adoption of the Federal law of June 28, 2014 No. 172-FL "About the strategic
planning in the Russian Federation" activities for strategic management, as
planning documents of social and economic development, were
legitimate and entered into a legal framework. In new legal conditions it is necessary to start systemically and coordinate implementations of the Law, having prepared the plan of implementation of the law, system bylaws disaggregating its regulation, having developed strategic methodology,
and also directly to develop the documents provided by the Law on all management levels.
Within a round table it is offered to discuss features and common problems
implementations 172-FL.
 | About Features of Forming System of Strategic Planning Regional Development, according to Regulations 172-FL "About Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" |
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 | Creation Modernizing System of Strategic Planning in Municipalities: Problems, Solutions and Features of Legal Regulation |
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Moderators : , |
 | Regional Aspects of Realization of the Federal Law ¹172: "About the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" |
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 | Features of the preparation of the Russian Federation public programs and Russian Federation Regions in accordance with the rules of the Federal Act on Strategic Planning in Russia (Act ¹ 172, June 28, 2014) |
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 | Legislative Support of Unified System of Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation |
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Moderators : , |
 | The main provisions of 172-FZ "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation" |
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 | About the features of the training of public programs of the Russian Federation and Subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with the rules of 172-FZ "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation " |
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 | Formation of a strategic planning system in the Republic of Bashkortostan in under the Federal Law 172-FZ "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation "instruments, arrangements, efficiency. |
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 | On the issues of implementation of 172-FZ "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation "in Nizhny Novgorod Region |
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 | Ensuring consistency of documents at the regional level |
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 | Municipal Aspects of the Federal Act ¹ 172-FZ "About the strategic planning in the Russian Federation" Implementation |
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 | Federal Act ¹ 172-FZ "About the strategic planning in the Russian Federation": Implementation Practicein Surgut City, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in North-West Federal District, Strategic partnership «North-West» |
The aim of this round table is to inform potential participants about new possibilities for projects and partnerships within the Cross-Border Cooperation Baltic Sea Region Programme (Interreg Baltic Sea Region - the Programme for 2014 to 2020).
The final stage of BSR Programme 2014-2020 has been completed. The program will be launched at the conference "Funding cooperation: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference 2014, 26-27 November in Warsaw. Participation of Russian partners in the program is expected after assessing the public funding and signing relevant documents. Thanks to the participation of the Russian side on all stages of the programming period, BSR Programme 2014-2020 now opens up new possibilities for Russian participants in the implementation of joint projects on an equal partnership basis.
The utilization of these opportunities largely depends on the coordination of actions on the Russian side between all government levels (federal, regional, municipal), experts, NGOs and businesses. The participants of the round table will discuss the priorities and areas of future cooperation, consolidation and coordination of efforts within the development and implementation of future projects of BSR Programme 2014 -2020.
Moderators : , |
Moderators : , |
 | Baltic Sea Region Programme (Interreg Baltic Sea Region - the Programme for 2014 to 2020) |
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 | Baltic Sea Region: from planning to joint actions |
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 | Analysis of the BSR Programme priorities in the context of the Priorities of Strategy for Socio‐Economic Development of the North‐West Federal District until 2020 |
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 | Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 – New Opportunities for Macroregion Cooperation |
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 | Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014–2020. Priority 1: Capacity for innovation |
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 | Greeting |
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 | Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014–2020. New opportunities for cooperation in the macro-region. The Direction of the "Transport" |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Organizing Committee of XIII All-Russian Forum «Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia» |
Moderators : , |
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 | Strategy of social and economic development of the urban district "The City of Kaliningrad" for the period until 2035 |
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 | Development Strategy the city of Cherepovets until 2022 "Cherepovets - a city of opportunities" |
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 | Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Irkutsk until 2025 |
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 | Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Novoshakhtinsk for the period until 2020 |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation |
This session is devoted to the examination of problems of effective interaction of federal, regional and municipal authorities while realization of current regional strategies. A special attention will be paid to the experience of the Russian regions and municipalities in the institualization of the strategic decisions, conversion of the strategic priorities (policy) to the real programs, creation of the mechanisms of strategies’ realization for economic modernization, increasing of the effectiveness of state and municipal goverance.
 | Strategy of the Development of Tula Region. The First Outcomes of the Realization |
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 | Synchronization of Regional and Municipal Strategies: the Experience of Vologda Region |
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 | The Development of Strategy Planning in Leningrad Region: the Experience of Interaction of Federal, Regional and Municipal Authoritie |
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 | The Mechanisms of Elaboration and Monitoring of Yaroslavl People’s Strategy |
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 | Factors which are Influenced on the Quality of Regional Strategies |
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 | Regional Strategic Planning as a Tool of the Realization of Russian Federalism: Economic and Legal Aspects |
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 | Strategic Plans of the Municipalities and their Realization |
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 | Cluster Policy as an Effective Mechanism for the Implementation of the Strategic Priorities of the Kaluga Region |
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 | Strategic Planning as a Tool for Economic Growth: Experience and Problems of Implementation in the Saratov Region |
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Moderators : , |
 | Formulation of Activities of Managing the Implementation System of the Strategy on the Example of Samara |
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 | Management implementation of development strategies: possibilities and limitations of republican executive bodies (the example of Republic of Bashkortostan) |
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 | Land Policy as an Instrument of Development Strategies of Regions and Cities |
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 | Development strategy of the Tula region. First stages of implementation. |
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15.00-17.00 |
| Organizers : Finnish Group of Advisers of the Government of Saint-Petersburg, Turku City Administration, ICSER Leontief Centre |
15.00-17.00 |
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According to the Decree of the President of Russian Federation the year 2014 is declared as a
Year of Culture, which is held in order to attract public attention to issues of
sustainable development of culture, preservation of cultural heritage and the role of Russian
Culture worldwide.
Issues for discussion
• The role of Culture and tourism in the development and reconstruction of regions and cities
in modern conditions;
• modern interpretation of heritage and technology of familiarizing general
population to the historical and cultural heritage for the economic revival of the territories
attract investors of tourists;
• the interaction between culture and business: a partnership for the development of Territories;
• development and support of creative cluster to improve the competitiveness
cities and regions;
• Culture as an effective tool for area marketing and communications
Moderators : , |
 | The Gaps and Opportunities Regarding International Tourist Routes, and Estonian Tourist Boards’ Expectations to the Routes |
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 | Development Routes on RU Via Hanseatica and Specific Features of National Tourism |
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Moderators : , |
 | New routes: Greenway as part of Via Hanseatica |
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 | GreenWays - Added Value for Via Hanseatica future development in Latvia |
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 | Kuzmich opens of the Karelia Republic |
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 | Via Hanseatica: underground worlds |
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 | Development of routes on the Russian part of Via Hanseatica and feature of the national tourism |
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 | Destination marketing. How important is it? |
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 | Fostering competitiveness of tourism clusters and networks. Case study of Latvia |
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 | Common Map of Cultural Tourism for the Baltic Sea Region |
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 | Via Hanseatica - Crossroads of Nature and Culture of the Baltic States |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, Council for Study of Productive Forces, Russian Architectural Union |
The Federal Law of June 28, 2014 No. 172-FL "About strategic planning
in the Russian Federation" is provided preparation essentially new document type to Russia, which combining approaches strategic and territorial planning, – Strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation. Questions of methodology, structure, content and features of preparation of strategy spatial development it is offered to discuss within a separate round table.
 | About Basic Project Provisions of Bases State Politician of the Regional Developments of the Russian Federation |
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 | Sustainable Spatial Development of Russia – the Most Important Condition of Providing Homeland Security of the Country |
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Moderators : , |
 | Strategy of spatial development as the format of strategic relationships and spatial Planning |
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 | Development Strategy of a Border of Russia in New Geopolitical Conditions |
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 | Improving the System of Settlement as Part of the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation |
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 | Spatial Planning in UK and International Practice |
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 | On approaches to the development of Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : ICSER Leontief Centre (supported by VASAB, Council of the Baltic Sea States, NCM Info-Office) |
This is the launching event of the GREEN FORUM DAY promoting green values and sustainable development in urban and rural areas, held within the Nordic Council of Ministers project MODERN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREAS.
Disappearance of villages, cultural resettlement of rural areas, a qualitative transformation of rural settlements, the establishment of a close and intense social ties between urban and rural settlements - all these issues require prompt solutions to ensure the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories. In this regard, one of the most important challenges for the countries and regions of the Baltic Sea Region (and especially Russia) is to form a stable, balanced urban-rural partnership as part of the strategy and policy of regional development.
OECD experts will present rural and urban dynamics in OECD countries, main results on urban growth based on functional urban areas along with the European modern rural development policy framework, which aims at building upon the spatial complementarities with urban areas. It will be followed by broad discussions of various modernization and innovation planning mechanisms for reorganization of today’s urban and rural areas, entrepreneurship development, promotion of ecofriendly modes of transport and mobility plans, sustainable ways of consumption and responsible behavior of the residents.
The Round tables will focus on the EU strategies, BSR networks and flag projects, Nordic excellence models and RU initiatives for the development of sustainable partnerships between urban and rural areas, which should become a key chain in the development of a new strategy for rural-urban sustainable territorial planning.
Moderators : , |
 | Welcome Adress |
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 | Urbanisation as Opportunity |
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 | The Rural Challenge |
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 | Productivity and Governance in OECD Metropolitan Areas |
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 | Success factors and opportunities for urban-rural partnerships |
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Moderators : , |
 | Modernisation Rural Development Policies in OECD countries |
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 | Via Hanseatica Partnership: Practical Support for Regional Development |
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 | Rural Development through the International Cooperation Tools: Experience of the Pskov Region |
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 | Strategies for Modernization and Sustainable Rural Development in the North-West Russia |
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 | Welcome Adress |
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 | Green Ways for Urban-Rural Partnership Development |
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 | Territorial self-government in the Arkhangelsk Region |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : Organizing Committee of XIII All-Russian Forum «Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia» |
Moderators : , |
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17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : Centre for Economics Infrastructure, «Russian Railways» JSÑ |
17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation, Association of Innovative Regions of Russia |
In 2013 - 2014 Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, continuing started in 2012
program of identifying and supporting of innovative pilot regional clusters
(CTI), has selected applications for grants from the federal budget to
budgets of the Russian Federation for implementation of activities under
CTI pilot development programs. In 2013 in order to support 14 pilot CTI was
allocated 1.3 billion rublesof subsidies. In 2014 the volume of subsidies were increased to 2.5 billion
rub., and a list of potential recipients of funds increased to 25 CTI.
The round table is expected to discuss the following issues:
• results of the project selection CTI, involving the provision of subsidies
from the federal budget;
• regional policy, aimed at fostering the development of cluster
initiatives (regional cluster policy 2.0);
• best practices of organizational development of pilot CTI;
• Prospects and obstacles to development pilot CTI and other high-tech
clusters that did not participate in the competition of Economic Development of Russia.
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 | On Implementation of Innovative Regional Clusters and Park Projects in the Novosibirsk Region |
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 | Implementation of a pilot development programs innovative regional cluster "Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and biomedicine" Kaluga region |
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Moderators : , |
17.15-19.15 |
| Organizers : The Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activities of the Leningrad Region, National Research University «Higher School of Economics» |
With the adoption of the federal law "About the strategic planning in the Russian
Federation »(¹ 172-FZ of 28.06.2014) in regions and municipalities actively began
process of actualization of strategic documents, due to the need to
expanding horizon of earlier documents, changes in economic and
geopolitical factors of the environment. Currently, the processes of strategic
planning on the regional and municipal levels are often asynchronously. As a
result, plans for socio-economic development of individual municipal
formations are not coordinated with each other and with the strategic documents of
planning of regional and federal levels. The round table
plans to present first results of the Leningrad region in matters of timing of
strategic planning documents of the region with documents of municipal
entities with a view of sharing experiences in other regions of Russia.
 | Priority Areas of Cooperation Between Regional and Local Authorities in the Context of the Adoption of the Federal Law "On the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" |
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 | Synchronization issues of strategic planning documents for regional and municipal levels |
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 | Assessment of Productivity of Activities Public Authorities and Local Self-Government: Whether Has Value Quality Documents of a Strategic Planning and Forecasting? |
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 | State and Municipal Programs: Compliance Problems |
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 | The Overview of the Best Practician in the Field of Development Documents of Strategic and Territorial Planning by Municipalities of the Leningrad Region |
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Moderators : , |
 | Challenges and Synchronization Models Documents of Strategic and Territorial Development |
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 | Formation of Strategic Planning System in the Republic of Buryatia on the Basis of Indicative Management |
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 | Practices and Tools of Strategic Spatial Planning in the Context of Realization of New Corporate Strategies |
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 | Crowdsourcing - the technology management of territorial development |
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 | Synchronization systems strategic planning at the regional and municipal levels: Vologda Region Experience |
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 | Synchronization of Strategic Planning at the Regional and Municipal Levels: the Experience of the Vologda Region |
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 | About the Mechanism Interaction with the Municipal level in the Formation of a Strategic Planning System in the Khabarovsk Region |
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9.30-11.30 |
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The meeting will be held in the form of open discussion of leading Russian
Experts on the subject "Planning and Reality: possibilities and limitations of the new system of
strategic planning in the context of evolving political and economic environment".
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Moderators : , |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, Strategic partnership «North-West» |
The Federal Law of June 28, 2014 No. 172-FL "About strategic planning
in the Russian Federation" is provided preparation of planning documents of subfederal level – strategy of social and economic development of macroregions. Methodological approaches, structure, content, features of preparation and the saved-up experience of strategy implementation of macroregions are offered to be discussed within a round table.
Moderators : , |
 | Course of Strategy Implementation of Social and Economic Development Northwest the Federal District for the Period till 2020: Analysis of Achievement Target Indicators |
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 | From Strategy to Tactics: Sales Problems of Priority Investment Projects of Federal Districts |
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 | Features of Preparation Strategy Development of Macroregions: How to Implement Installations 172-FL "About Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" |
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 | Features of Preparation Strategy Development of Macroregions: How to Implement Installations 172-FL "About Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" |
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 | Integration and Ñross-Border Cooperation as the Most Important Part of Strategy of the North-West Macroregion: System Risks and the Development Potential |
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 | Problems of the Ñurrent Legislation and Main Provisions of Draft Law "On the Urban Agglomerations in the Russian Federation" |
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 | About the concept of strategic planning of socio-economic development of the Federal District |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of St. Petersburg, Information office of Nordic Council of Ministers in North-West Russia, Lillehammer municipality, ICSER Leontief Centre |
How can city planners, policy makers, businesses and other constituents best collaborate to make our cities convenient, affordable, livable, safe and attractive to live in? How can the citizens and private sector come to benefit from this fundamental shift in approaches to urban development? The round table is held jointly with the Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of St. Petersburg in the framework of the Nordic Council of Ministers Project «The City SAGA. Transformation of Public Spaces».
Moderators : , |
 | LIBRARIES: Making Smart Urban Spaces for People |
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 | GREEN MOBILITY – Towards Clean, Healthy and Accessible Environment |
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 | [G]reen: GORODACHA Project |
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 | [A]ttractive: Children’s playgrounds and sport grounds |
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 | Ecological Strategy of of New Moscow |
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Moderators : , |
 | Introductory Word of the Moderator and Presentation of the SAGA Book “Modern Public Spaces: Tools for Design and Research" |
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 | [G]reen: Beautiful and green Petersburg by residents |
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 | International Cooperation at different levels of society for the development of Sustainable Urban Areas - Pskov,Tartu and Rezekne (GreenMan Project) |
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 | [A]ccessible: Sustainable Planning. The Potential of Greenways |
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 | LIBRARIES: making smart urban spaces for people |
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 | Library’s Interplay within the Urban Space |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, ICSER Leontief Centre |
The main report will submit main ideas of the upcoming project
"Strategy of social-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan to 2030." With
comments made by members of the Expert Council of the "RT-2030", experts of
project "RT 2030", Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.
 | Basic ideas of Republic Tatarstan |
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Moderators : , |
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 | Basic ideas of Republic Tatarstan |
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 | Basic ideas of Republic Tatarstan |
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 | Basic ideas of Republic Tatarstan |
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Moderators : , |
 | Strategy of Spatial Development Republic of Tatarstan |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : The Center for Strategic Research «North-West» |
The closed territorial administrative educations possess a unique set of resources owing to their provision and a field of activity: concentration of large production capacities; big allowance of energy resources; the qualified manpower working in high-technology areas; the developed social and engineering infrastructure.
All this creates potential for development of Closed Administrative-Territorial Formations in reference points of growth of economy. Nowadays, creation of workplaces in Closed Administrative-Territorial Formations causes difficulties in connection with a number of restrictions on the status of the closed administrative education. Need to develop the conditions increasing investment appeal of the territory, requires attraction of instruments of regional and federal support.
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 | Tools Large Companies to Develop the Regions Where |
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 | Legal regulation of the status of the closed administrative-territorial formations |
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Moderators : , |
 | Effectiveness of Management Support and the Closed Monocities |
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 | Main Trends Socio-Economic Development of the Closed Cities (2014) |
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 | Legal Regulation of the Status of the Closed Administrative-Territorial Formations |
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11.45-13.30 |
| Organizers : North-West Development and Investment Promotion Agency, St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) |
The effects of globalization are blurring of frontiers,
increased mobility of the population, capital, deployment of competition at all levels of
the world economic system. Simultaneously, the amplified role in development of
local processes in the territories. All these changes lead to the fact that the territory
become full-fledged independent economic entities entering into
competitive relationship in inter-territorial collaboration on the world market.
The subject of the competition become investors, population, skilled labor
power export markets, tourists.
Under these conditions the emerging new goals and objectives of Territorial Administration
provide the basis for the search for new approaches and management tools. it becomes
clear that new economic conditions, ever-changing external
environment, the need for flexible creative solutions in the real-time system
make the actual implementation of the marketing approach to the management of territories.
 | Strategic Planning for Regional Development |
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 | Increase of Management Efficiency the Regions through the Integration of Territorial Marketing to Strategic Planning |
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 | Uniqueness of the Region as a Strategic Planning Documents |
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 | System of Strategic Planning of St Petersburg |
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 | Creative Clusters of the Megalopolis: Functions and Communicative Potential |
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Moderators : , |
 | Territorial Marketing: a Tool or a Philosophy of Regional Management? |
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11.45-13.30 |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, State Duma of Russia, The Center for Strategic Research «North-West» |
With adoption of the Federal law of June 28, 2014 No. 172-FL "About the strategic
planning in the Russian Federation" activities for strategic management, as
planning documents of social and economic development, were
legitimate and entered into a legal framework. Questions of methodology, feature of preparation and coordination of strategy of subjects of the Russian Federation is offered to discuss within a special round table.
 | Features of the Preparation Strategies for the Development Subjects of Russian Federation according to 172-FL |
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 | Features of Interconnection of Development Strategies of the Russian Federation and the Strategic Planning Documents of Federal Level According to a Federal Law 172 |
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 | Managing of the Realization of Development Strategy: Opportunities and Limitations of Republican Executive Bodies (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan) |
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 | Approaches to the Methodology of Development of Regional Strategies |
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Moderators : , |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of St. Petersburg, Information office of Nordic Council of Ministers in North-West Russia, Council of the Baltic Sea States, ICSER Leontief Centre |
Innovation Networks and Green Clusters - the third Green Day Forum session- is held within the Nordic Council of Ministers project MODERN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREAS. The RUNO PARTNERSHIP (Russian Nordic Project Network) jointly with Secretariat on Sustainable Development of the Council of the Baltic Sea States will present the flagship projects together with the leading regions in Sustainable Territorial Cluster and innovation Systems Development in the urban and rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region , Northern Europe and the North-West of Russia.
Issues to be addressed:
- Promotion of Green technologies and clusters, which facilitate economic growth;
- Development of cooperation at all levels – industry, science and government;
- Creating incentives for investment in the resource-efficient and energy saving, technologies, eco-innovative urban-rural development (renewable energy, waste management, modern technologies in the field of effective wildlife management)
- Encouraging new liveable forms of life and work - ecovillages, rural co-working, as socio-economic dimensions of sustainable development in rural and urban areas
 | Innovation in the Context of Rural Areas |
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 | Sun and Wind. Universal Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development of Rural Area |
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Moderators : , |
 | Baltic sea region urban forum for smart cities. Project overview |
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 | Sustainable development in Baltic Sea Region. Best practices, Technologies of success and smart planning |
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 | Innovation in the Context of Rural Areas |
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 | Regional Strategy and Bioeconomy Cluster in Central Finland |
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 | Green Economy and Spatial Development of the Northern Peripheral Territories |
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 | Youth Karelia - Co-Creation for Development |
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Moderators : , |
 | MiljøfyrtårnCertificate |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation, Russian State Hydrometeorological University |
14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Office of the Mayor of Togliatti, ICSER Leontief Centre |
Fifteen years have passed since the creation of the first strategic plans in municipalities
of Russia. Strategic planning has become firmly established in the the practice of municipal authorities,
seeking to ensure the growth of cities in the difficult current conditions, however,
continuity of such documents still leaves much to be desired - as a rule,
instrument operates at some leaders and fundamentally changes by
following. Nevertheless, there is a trend for introduction to the strategy changes
when the experience of the current document is the basis for a renewed, allowing
developers not to duplicate the work already done previously, and to concentrate on
newly identified needs and information.
What reasons have led to a change in strategy? How they affect the development of the city?
What new issues are decided by the updated strategy? What are the advantages of the new
strategic vision document?
 | Strategy as Tool for Enhancing the Investment Attractiveness |
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 | Considerations of principle for the transformation strategies of documents lying on a shelf in the investment technology achieving development objectives |
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 | Development Strategy as a Basis for the Development of Ufa Agglomeration |
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 | Partner Platform of Cooperation of the Power, Business and Society in Implementation of City Strategy |
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Moderators : , |
 | Place and role of the investment component in strategic oriented development of the city |
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14.30-16.15 |
| Organizers : Center for Spatial Research |
Big Data & GIS is a seminar about new combination of big data, algorithms,
methods of spatial analysis and cloud GIS technology, offering
visualization of the data on the map of cities and territories for solving specific
The seminar is relevant by the fact that these technologies are available and
solve problems associated with back lifestyle of city dwellers.
Unfortunately, in our country the initiators of the "struggle for a comfortable accommodation in
city "are the experts themselves or residents of the city. Urgent task for today at
construction master plans and schemes of territorial planning are to consult these
qualitatively new data and services, to make general plans interactive,
to conduct scenario modeling "what if?" etc.. Customer of such research and
systems should be the state.
 | Cloud geoinformation system for Estimating People Location: Living, Travellin and Working |
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Moderators : , |
 | Urban Computer Science: Market, Opportunities, Training for New Urban Planners |
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 | Geosocial Analytics Project |
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 | Big Data Implementation for Business |
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, State Duma of Russia, Union of Russian Cities, The Center for Strategic Research «North-West» |
City agglomerations in modern post-industrial economy are the main centers of economic activity. Development of agglomerations of the large cities – a resource for long-term development of economy. City agglomerations create benefits to concentration of the consumer demand, integration of the labor market and infrastructure security of the territories. At the same time the processes connected with development of the high-urbanized territories conduct to emergence of problems which decision shall have the managed and predicted character.
Moderators : , |
 | About Activity the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Development of City Agglomerations |
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 | Agglomeration Role for the Leningrad region. Initiative "An Imperial Ring" Project |
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 | Priorities of Development of Agglomeration of St. Petersburg |
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 | Types of Business Entity of Government City Agglomerations |
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 | Agglomerative Projects: Essence and Contents of Projects of Development of Agglomerations |
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 | Problems of the Ñurrent Legislation and Main Provisions of Draft Law "On the Urban Agglomerations in the Russian Federation" |
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 | Chelyabinsk Agglomeration |
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 | Concept of Spatial Development Bereznikovsko-Solikamskaya Agglomeration (Perm Region) |
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 | Novosibirsk Agglomeration |
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 | The Êole of St Petersburg Agglomeration for development of the Leningrad region. Initiative "Imperial Ring" |
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 | Urban Culture Influence Agglomerations Development |
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 | Urban Culture Influence Agglomerations Development |
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 | Features of Development of Urban Agglomerations with the Example of the Closed Agglomeration Tomsk Seversk |
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Moderators : , |
16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning of St. Petersburg, European Greenways Association, Information office of Nordic Council of Ministers in North-West Russia, ICSER Leontief Centre |
The Round Table on GREENWAYS Development and Strategies for Green Mobility - one of the key sessions of the FORUM GREEN DAY, organised in the framework of Nordic Council of Ministers Project GREEN MOBILITY – TOWARDS CLEAN, HEALTHY AND ACCESSIBLE ENVIRONMENT. The main objective of the Project is to facilitate initiatives for developing and strengthening the cycling culture and infrastructure carried out by both authorities and citizens in Russian cities jointly with Nordic partners as well as to promote healthy life styles and other citizens-friendly transport solutions.
The Round Table will focus on the European strategy and mobility plans, Nordic green solutions and technologies of success in transport sector, urban planning, velo economy, as well as Russian initiatives, devoted to the development of transport system and urban mobility cycling infrastructure and cycling culture.
It will also present the approaches to a successful strategic positioning of greenways and velo mobility as an integral part of the local sustainable development plan in accordance with the methodology of the European GREENWAYS network of cultural and natural heritage green routes (local, inter-regional, international).
Moderators : , |
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 | Greenways of Vyborg |
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 | Bicycle infrastructure - contribute to sustainable urban development |
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Moderators : , |
 | Greenways: a Tool for Sustainable Transport System and Tourism Development |
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 | STI-muli Programme and Mobility Initiatives Towards Healthy Environment: Best Practice of Bodø Municipality |
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 | Urban mobility. Cycling routes and initiatives in St. Petersburg |
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : Center for Spatial Research |
Big Data & GIS is a seminar about new combination of big data, algorithms,
methods of spatial analysis and cloud GIS technology, offering
visualization of the data on the map of cities and territories for solving specific
The seminar is relevant by the fact that these technologies are available and
solve problems associated with back lifestyle of city dwellers.
Unfortunately, in our country the initiators of the "struggle for a comfortable accommodation in
city "are the experts themselves or residents of the city. Urgent task for today at
construction master plans and schemes of territorial planning are to consult these
qualitatively new data and services, to make general plans interactive,
to conduct scenario modeling "what if?" etc.. Customer of such research and
systems should be the state.
Moderators : , |
 | Cloud Solution for Estimating of Location of People: Accommodation, Travel and Work in Geointellect |
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 | Delimitation of Agglomeration and Calculating the Volume of Displacement on the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan |
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 | Web-Based Platform for the Analysis of Urban Development on the Basis of the Availability of the Benefits of the Big City |
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 | Maps and Services HERE. Important element the strategic planning system |
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 | City Computer Science: Market, Opportunities, Training of City Schedulers of New Type |
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 | Big Data as One of the Key Technologies to Build "Cities of the Future" |
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 | Potential of Geoinformation Systems for the Study of Public Space: Methods of Gehl Architects and Project Experience "SAGA" |
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 | Potential of Geoinformation Systems for the Study of Public Space: Methods of Gehl Architects and Project Experience "SAGA" |
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : ICSER Leontief Centre, National Research University «Higher School of Economics» |
The emergence of the legislative framework for the strategic planning of cities and regions creates a new reality. How many times have heard - it is impossible to develop strategies outside of the system, we need a unified approach, we need a hierarchy of documents, etc. And now the dream is coming true. Will this lead to a radical improvement of the situation will determine whether all policies at once realistic, brighter, smarter? Or frames will be close and will only hinder?
Moderators : , |
 | Problems of Strategic Spatial Planning - a New Approach : Agglomeration - Territorial Planning Scheme - a Master Plan (for example, the project Ust - Luga ) |
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 | Factors Affecting the Quality of the Sub-Federal Level Strategies |
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 | Features of Strategic Management in Company Towns of the Russian North and the Arctic |
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 | Assessment of Strategic Documents Administrative Centers of the Russian Federation |
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 | Important possibilities and limitations to implement the development strategy development regions and municipalities in a single regulatory and legal "key" |
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 | Long-Term Forecasting and Indicative Planning for the Development and Implementation of the Strategy |
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 | Long-Term Forecasting and Indicative Planning for the Development and Implementation of the Strategy |
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 | Seven of the Most Common Problems of Existing Strategies |
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 | "Reverse Side" of the Law: Can the Standardization of Strategic Planning? |
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : Smolny College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Calvert Forum, ICSER Leontief Centre |
Many studies show that the key to economic diversification
is the development of small and medium enterprises as the foundation of the new economy and the growth of
national income. In turn, average and small business actively
develop in the area of creative industries, innovative creative projects, which
can be the answer to the question of the formation of new, successful models of development of
urban and regional economics.
The organizers of the roundtable are convinced that the study of development practices of
creative industries will allow the Russian regions to rethink their investment
image and create conditions for greater integration into the world economy.
 | Creative Thinking: How Can Cities Unlock the Economic Potential of the Creative Industries? |
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Moderators : , |
 | London: The Story of Design City |
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 | Conditions for the developing creative industries in small towns: new media opportunities |
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 | Prerequisites for Creative Cities Development |
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 | Museum as a Challenge |
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16.30-18.15 |
| Organizers : Saint Petersburg City Administration, Committee for economic policy and strategic planning of Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Council of Rectors |
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 | About possible perspectives and positioning of city provides long-term strategy of the city |
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 | About promising models of modern cities and how it will look and will offer advanced cities in the world in the coming decades |
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18.15-18.45 |
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