Oding Nina,
ICSER Leontief Centre. Head of Research Department
Zaucha Jacek,
Maritime Institute. Professor
Round Table
Urban-Rural Partnership for Sustainable Development: Experiences of the Baltic Sea Region
This is the launching event of the GREEN FORUM DAY promoting green values and sustainable development in urban and rural areas, held within the Nordic Council of Ministers project MODERN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREAS.
Disappearance of villages, cultural resettlement of rural areas, a qualitative transformation of rural settlements, the establishment of a close and intense social ties between urban and rural settlements - all these issues require prompt solutions to ensure the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories. In this regard, one of the most important challenges for the countries and regions of the Baltic Sea Region (and especially Russia) is to form a stable, balanced urban-rural partnership as part of the strategy and policy of regional development.
OECD experts will present rural and urban dynamics in OECD countries, main results on urban growth based on functional urban areas along with the European modern rural development policy framework, which aims at building upon the spatial complementarities with urban areas. It will be followed by broad discussions of various modernization and innovation planning mechanisms for reorganization of today’s urban and rural areas, entrepreneurship development, promotion of ecofriendly modes of transport and mobility plans, sustainable ways of consumption and responsible behavior of the residents.
The Round tables will focus on the EU strategies, BSR networks and flag projects, Nordic excellence models and RU initiatives for the development of sustainable partnerships between urban and rural areas, which should become a key chain in the development of a new strategy for rural-urban sustainable territorial planning.
Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept: Concept
 | Welcome Adress |
Bocharova Yana, Information Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers in Saint Petersburg. Adviser |
 | Welcome Adress |
Linkaits Talis, VASAB. Head of Secretariat |
 | Success factors and opportunities for urban-rural partnerships |
Oding Nina, ICSER Leontief Centre. Head of Research Department |
 | Urbanisation as Opportunity |
Tompson William, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Head of the Urban Development Programme |
 | Productivity and Governance in OECD Metropolitan Areas |
Rudiger Ahrend, OECD. Head of the Regional Economics & Governance Unit |
 | The Rural Challenge |
Wakeford Richard, Kazan Centre for Land Use and Rural Sustainable Development. Director, Birmingham City University and past Chair of the OECD Rural Working Party |
 | Via Hanseatica Partnership: Practical Support for Regional Development |
Talvet Sille, OOO Gravitas Consult. Coordinator of the Project "Via Hanseatica" |
 | Rural Development through the International Cooperation Tools: Experience of the Pskov Region |
Bulatova Maria, State Committee of the Pskov Region for Economic Development and Investment Policy. Consultant of the Department for External Economic Relations |
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