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The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF)
The Russian Direct Investment Fund is a $10 billion fund established to make equity investments primarily in the Russian economy.
RDIF was created in 2011 under the leadership of the President and Prime Minister of Russia to co-invest alongside top global investors, acting as a catalyst for direct investment in Russia.
Financial support

Civil Initiative Committee (CIC) is a community of people intent on renewal and strengthening of democratic institutes. It was founded in April 5, 2012 by a group of famous Russian politicians, economists, academic and culture figures headed by the former Minister of finance Alexei Kudrin. The main goal of CIC is to create a unit of professionals which aggregate authority will help to convey civil initiatives to any level of governance. The Committee realizes outreach, educating, expert activities and volunteerism. Elaborates and suggests alternative solutions to the challenges that country faces. CIC also implements its own programs as well as supports projects initiated by citizens and non-profit organizations. Regional departments of CIC are founded in 17 regions of the Russian Federation. In addition in 22 regions the Committee does work with its adherents for individual projects

State Corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)”
Vnesheconombank – the Bank for Development — is one of the key instruments of the state investment strategy, seeks to enhance competitiveness of the Russian economy. The Bank’s special status, functions and powers are explicitly formulated in Federal Law “On Bank for Development”.
Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business Club
The SCO Business Club is an executive facility of the SCO Business Council that provides organization and information support of business projects and initiatives within the SCO framework. Relying on the assistance of the SCO Interbank Consortium, the SCO Business Club is involved in development of business relations, confidence-building measures and active exchange of experience and ideas between the SCO states. Priority tasks of the Business Club include:
- raise investments into the SCO states economy;
- conduct issue-related conferences and roundtables with representatives of Russian state authorities and business communities;
- prepare analysis and expert reports in various branches of economy, monitor media outlets;
- provide business-communications (presentations, exhibitions and other events).
«Russian Railways» JSС
«Russian Railways» JSC is one of the largest rail companies in the world with huge volumes of passenger and freight transportation. The company has high ratings, qualified specialists in all the spheres of the rail business, extensive scientific and technological basis, project and construction facilities, experience in international cooperation. 100% of the stock of the company operating the railways network as long as 85,2 thousand kilometers belongs to the RF state. The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways is 1,919 trln rubles. JSC Russian Railways performs the transportation of more than 1 bln passengers and 1,27 bln tons of freight annually. Russian Railways, JSC belongs to the top 3 of the leaders of the rail industry of the world. The major objectives of the company – to ensure the demand off the state, legal units and the people in rail transportation, work and services rendered by the rail transport, as well as bringing profit. The company’s mission is to meet the market demand for transportation services, increase efficiency, quality of services and deep integration into the Eurasian transport system.
The «Home Towns» project
The «Home Towns» project is a comprehensive corporate responsibility program from Gazprom Neft. The aim of this program is to improve living conditions in those cities and towns in which the company is active, and to improve residents’ access to a quality urban environment, education, and culture. We operate on the premise that anyone living in a small town deserves the same quality of environment as someone living in a megalopolis. For that reason, the approach we take is innovative and unusual: investing in our «Home Towns», we strive for the highest possible standards in all projects we undertake – many of which are genuinely unique in Russia.
НПО Криста
НПО Криста - это один из ведущих разработчиков интегрированных информационно-аналитических систем для органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления, а также для государственных и муниципальных учреждений.Компания работает на российском и зарубежном рынках информационных технологий с 1992 года. В результате многолетней совместной работы коллектива профессионалов нашего предприятия, наших партнеров и наших клиентов, стало возможным создание на базе единого информационного пространства комплексных информационно-аналитических систем управления результатами более чем в 30 регионах. Среди них Краснодарский край, Республика Карелия, Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ-Югра, Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ, Вологодская, Новосибирская, Омская, Оренбургская, Саратовская, Самарская, Тульская, Ярославская области.
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28.03.2015 : Определена главная тема Форума 2015
На рабочем совещании организаторов Форума в Министерстве экономического развития РФ 17 марта была определена главная тема XIV Общероссийского форума стратегического планирования в регионах и городах России – «Пространство выбора и выбор пространства». Форум состоится в Петербурге 19-20 октября 2015 года