Thematic Forum Bloks
New Frames of Strategic Planning
- Updating strategies: pros and cons of unification
- Methodology for developing regional strategies
- Strategic and medium-term planning: similarities and differences
- Strategic choice: quantitative growth or sustainability of development
- Strategic planning in crisis
Federal Initiatives for Regional Development
- Megaprojects and regional development
- Special areas: Arctic, Siberia and Far East, North Caucasus, coastal regions
- Synergetic effect of Interregional transport infrastructure
- Interbudgetary relations: does reform overdue?
- Regional Investment standard: achievements and lessons
«Russian locomotives»
- Urban agglomerations and agglomeration effects
- Republic of Tatarstan: on the way to Global Competitiveness
- St. Petersburg: integration strategies and government programs
Interregional (cross border) cooperation
- Spatial development in the Baltic Sea Region
- Monitoring of areas development: opportunities for international comparisons
Culture as a Strategic Resource
- Culture: is it a resource and / or barrier?
- "Cultural" effects for regional development
- Potential of creative industries
Green Day Forum: the Values of Sustainable Development
- Potential of the green economy
- Region’s human capital: to create, retain, apply
- Urban and rural areas: suburbanization or ruralisation
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28.03.2015 : Определена главная тема Форума 2015
На рабочем совещании организаторов Форума в Министерстве экономического развития РФ 17 марта была определена главная тема XIV Общероссийского форума стратегического планирования в регионах и городах России – «Пространство выбора и выбор пространства». Форум состоится в Петербурге 19-20 октября 2015 года