XIII All-Russian Forum
«Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia»

Countdown to the Forum


Strukov Denis,

Center for Spatial Research. General director of information-consulting group The Center for Spatial Research



«Big Data»: New Standards of Strategy Feasibility for Cities and Agglomerations (Continuation)


Big Data & GIS is a seminar about new combination of big data, algorithms, methods of spatial analysis and cloud GIS technology, offering visualization of the data on the map of cities and territories for solving specific objects. The seminar  is relevant by the fact that these technologies are available and solve problems associated with back lifestyle of city dwellers. Unfortunately, in our country the initiators of the "struggle for a comfortable accommodation in city "are the experts themselves or residents of the city. Urgent task for today at construction master plans and schemes of territorial planning are to consult these qualitatively new data and services, to make general plans interactive, to conduct scenario modeling "what if?" etc.. Customer of such research and systems should be the state.

Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept:

Potential of Geoinformation Systems for the Study of Public Space: Methods of Gehl Architects and Project Experience "SAGA"

Pachenkov Oleg, European University at St.-Petersburg. Director of the Center for Applied Research at EUSPb

Web-Based Platform for the Analysis of Urban Development on the Basis of the Availability of the Benefits of the Big City

Karpov Alexander, Assessment center ECOM of St.Petersburg Society of Naturalists. Director of Assessment Center

Maps and Services HERE. Important element the strategic planning system

Kozlov Pavel, HERE Maps. Business Development Director



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