Kadochnikov Sergey,
HSE Saint-Petersburg. Director
Round Table
Synchronization of Strategic Planning Documents at The Regional and Municipal Levels
With the adoption of the federal law "About the strategic planning in the Russian
Federation »(¹ 172-FZ of 28.06.2014) in regions and municipalities actively began
process of actualization of strategic documents, due to the need to
expanding horizon of earlier documents, changes in economic and
geopolitical factors of the environment. Currently, the processes of strategic
planning on the regional and municipal levels are often asynchronously. As a
result, plans for socio-economic development of individual municipal
formations are not coordinated with each other and with the strategic documents of
planning of regional and federal levels. The round table
plans to present first results of the Leningrad region in matters of timing of
strategic planning documents of the region with documents of municipal
entities with a view of sharing experiences in other regions of Russia.
Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept:
 | Priority Areas of Cooperation Between Regional and Local Authorities in the Context of the Adoption of the Federal Law "On the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" |
Yalov Dmitry, Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region. Vice-Governor of Leningrad Region - Chairman of the Committee |
 | Synchronization issues of strategic planning documents for regional and municipal levels |
Limonov Leonid, ICSER Leontief Centre. Deputy Director General - Director-Coordinator for Research Programmes |
 | Crowdsourcing - the technology management of territorial development |
Pikuleva Oxana, The Committee on local self-government, inter-ethnic relations of the Leningrad region. Deputy Chairman |
 | State and Municipal Programs: Compliance Problems |
Klimanov Vladimir, Institute for Public Finance Reform. Director |
 | Practices and Tools of Strategic Spatial Planning in the Context of Realization of New Corporate Strategies |
Kaloshin Artyom, Fond Center of Strategic Research «North-West». Head of Research Project Team, CSR “North-West” Foundation |
 | Synchronization systems strategic planning at the regional and municipal levels: Vologda Region Experience |
Petrov Oleg, Strategic Planning Department of the Vologda Region. Deputy Head |