Rozhkova Elena,
Ministry for Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Public Policy in the field of spatial planning
Round Table
Public Meeting of the Interagency Working Group on Socio-Economic Development of Urban Agglomerations in the Russian Federation
City agglomerations in modern post-industrial economy are the main centers of economic activity. Development of agglomerations of the large cities – a resource for long-term development of economy. City agglomerations create benefits to concentration of the consumer demand, integration of the labor market and infrastructure security of the territories. At the same time the processes connected with development of the high-urbanized territories conduct to emergence of problems which decision shall have the managed and predicted character.
Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept:
 | About Activity the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Development of City Agglomerations |
Rozhkova Elena, Ministry for Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Public Policy in the field of spatial planning |
 | Problems of the Ñurrent Legislation and Main Provisions of Draft Law "On the Urban Agglomerations in the Russian Federation" |
Maximov Andrey, UNION OF RUSSIAN CITIES. Chairman of Expert Council |
 | Agglomerative Projects: Essence and Contents of Projects of Development of Agglomerations |
Arabkin Valeriy, JSC GIPROGOR. Agglomeration development expert group leader |
 | Chelyabinsk Agglomeration |
Mosharov Stanislav, Chelyabinsk City Duma. Chairman - Head |
 | Concept of Spatial Development Bereznikovsko-Solikamskaya Agglomeration (Perm Region) |
Lebedev Andrey, Berezniki city administration. Deputy Head |
 | Agglomeration Role for the Leningrad region. Initiative "An Imperial Ring" Project |
Yalov Dmitry, Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity of Leningrad Region. Vice-Governor of Leningrad Region - Chairman of the Committee |
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