XIII All-Russian Forum
«Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia»

Countdown to the Forum


Bogdanov Dmitriy,

City hall of Togliatti. Head of economic Development department



Round Table
Revisioning Municipal Strategies as a Tool for Economic Development


Fifteen years have passed since the creation of the first strategic plans in municipalities of Russia. Strategic planning has become firmly established in the the practice of municipal authorities, seeking to ensure the growth of cities in the difficult current conditions, however, continuity of such documents still leaves much to be desired - as a rule, instrument operates at some leaders and fundamentally changes by following. Nevertheless, there is a trend for introduction to the strategy changes when the experience of the current document is the basis for a renewed, allowing developers not to duplicate the work already done previously, and to concentrate on newly identified needs and information. What reasons have led to a change in strategy? How they affect the development of the city? What new issues are decided by the updated strategy? What are the advantages of the new strategic vision document?

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Strategy as Tool for Enhancing the Investment Attractiveness

Bogdanov Dmitriy, City hall of Togliatti. Head of economic Development department

Partner Platform of Cooperation of the Power, Business and Society in Implementation of City Strategy

Kolmykov Dmitriy, Administration of Samara Urban District. Deputy Head of the Samara urban district - Director of Department of Economic Development

Place and role of the investment component in strategic oriented development of the city

Bochkareva Tatyana, NGO "Urbex-Development". Ñhairman of the Board

Development Strategy as a Basis for the Development of Ufa Agglomeration

Ñhiglinzeva Galina, Chief Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Ufa City Municipal District Administration. Deputy Head

Turkov Alexander, Federal Centre for Project Finance. Head of Division

Ignateva Alexandra, The Union of Russian cities. Director-General ,Head of the Tekstilshchiki Municipal District of Moscow City

Considerations of principle for the transformation strategies of documents lying on a shelf in the investment technology achieving development objectives

Samartsev Sergey, NGO "Urbex-Development". General Director
