Countdown to the Forum
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Íîâîñòè[2014-06-09] Parliamentary Hearings on the Theme: «About the State Program of the Russian Federation «Socio-Economic Development of Far East and the Baikal Region»On June 9 the State Duma Committee on regional policy and problems of the North and the Far East which is a permanent co-organizer of the Forum held the parliamentary hearings on the theme: «About the state program of the Russian Federation «Socio-economic development of Far East and the Baikal region». Deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, representatives of the Federal bodies of Executive power, of regional bodies of legislative and Executive authorities that discussed the problems of implementation of the program took part in the event. According to the member of the organizing Committee of the Forum, the first Deputy Chairman of State Duma Committee on regional policy and problems of the North and Far East Valentina Pivnenko this state program is a key element of the strategic planning system of socio-economic development of the territory of Far East. Given this fact it was recommended to the government to increase the financing of the state program providing budget expenditures not only on the development of transport and energy infrastructure but on the development of social sphere, health, education and culture. It was suggested to agree the events of the program with authorities of regions on the territory of which it is provided its implementation. These are 12 regions of Far East Federal district and Buryatia, Transbaikal region and Irkutsk region. The topic of the hearings is closely associated with one of the priority themes of the Forum 2014 "Federal initiatives for regional development" to the discussion of which several discussions and round tables will be devoted. On June 22-25, 2014 the Committee is planning to hold the off-site event in Khabarovsk on a similar subject.
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